Key skills and competencies

Angie has gained experience in a wide range of sectors, including a regulated environment. This diversity of experience is welcomed by the Board and the Remuneration Committee

Angie is also an additional resource and sounding board for Smith+Nephew’s own internal Human Resources function.

Current external appointments

Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Remuneration Committee at InterContinental Hotels Group plc.

Previous experience

Between 2007–2013 Angie was the Group HR Director for Lloyds Banking Group and was Group HR Director of Sainsbury plc and a member of their Operating Board from January 2013 to May 2023.

Over the years, Angie has been a member of the Low Pay Commission and has held a number of Non-Executive Directorships with Biffa plc, Arriva and Serco Group plc.

At Serco Group plc she was the Chair of the Remuneration Committee. Previously she has attended Remuneration Committees of Whitbread plc and Lloyds Bank.



